
MOORISH BLUEPRINT TO POWER:An Economic Imperative For An Independant Moorish Community
"In connection with our religious aims and beliefs, we must promote economic security. The preaching of economic security among us is by no means as widespread and intensive as the circumstances demand. No other one thing is more needed among us at this time than greater economic power. Better positions for our men and women, more business employment for our boys and girls and bigger incomes will follow our economic security. We shall be secure in nothing until we have economic power. A beggar people cannot develop the highest in them, nor can they attain to a genuine enjoyment of the spiritualities of life.
Our men, women and children should be taught to believe in the capacity of our group to succeed in business, in spite of the trials and failures of some of them. Trials and failures in business are by no means confined to any particular group of people. Some business ventures of all people fail. We have many men and women among our people who are qualified, both by training and experience, who are shining lights in the business world of all the people. It is a sad weakness in us as people that we have withheld the very encouragement, support and patronage that would have made some of our worthy business ventures a grand success. And worst of all, have joined in the condemnations of them when they failed. Except in cases of actual dishonesty, discourtesy, lack of service and actual unreliability, our business enterprises in every field of endeavor should have fullest of confidence co-operations and patronage whenever and wherever they can be given." - Noble Drew Ali
Moors in the Americas are currently facing a serious economic situation, a situation that requires intelligent planning, comprehensive foresight and effective ideals that reflect the importance of collectiveness, unity, community and family development. Plans and programs for social and financial restoration have been discussed and urged in the past on moorsgate.com, but the time has surely come when a Moorish economic and community development solution has to be implemented and enforced for the continued survival of the Moorish identity, culture and civilization. As Ronald Reagan was quoted, regarding the European American nation, that "we are one generation from extinction." This military concept must be adopted as it forces one to think in terms of longevity and social viability while also promoting a sense of urgency for security. It is paramount that Moors place into action and demonstrate community living and collective economics. If these basic ideals are ignored and replaced with disunity and misappropriated self indulgence, Moors will travel down a dangerous road of uncertainty.
After conducting an honest evaluation of our current condition, despite having exact knowledge of the physical and economic injustices, social dehumanization and unlawful denationalization of Moors and their posterity, it is thoroughly noted and documented in economic statistics that both conscious and un-conscious Asiatics alike have also contributed to our community's current state of unemployment, poverty, financial degradation, disunity and disorganization. The contribution came in the form of failing to adhere to the structured guidance, messages and warnings put forth by those prepared adepts that came with functional knowledge of social and spiritual development.
Before Moors can begin to truly gain economic security, we must first organize our efforts, pool our resources and commit to structured long-term plans that are designed to engineer and manage progress, support and maintain a positive standard of living, and develop social security components that secure Moorish values, civil liberties and human rights. However, the cart cannot be placed before the horse. Therefore, Moors must build their own communal, familial, educational and economic infrastructures first then develop plans and aims that support the core foundational elements of society which are family and community.
The value of nationality, the discipline of a divine creed and the by-products of self sufficiency and self-reliance are national security benefits for Asiatics that desire a cultured and civilized standard of living that is designed for progress and improvement which stands in opposition to the usual failed-system(s) of degradation, false promise and repeated social failure. Modern day Moors must first develop a unified and uniform collective infrastructure and stop looking for the agents of oppression to be lawful, just and supportive to and of our economic and psychological development and socio-political status as that would have eventual adverse affects on their evident plan and strategy of continued domination.
This issue is urgent and thus Moors are encouraged to recognize their role and responsibility to the Moorish Nation as nationality is one part of the socio-political and collective development formula. Proactive strategies and innovative solutions for an organized, self sufficient and independent community structure must be implemented to establish initial building blocks and blueprints for eventual state-hood or nationhood. The following Moorish Agenda displays the path to fulfillment:
1. Demonstrate the action of Unity and group co-operation
2. Eliminate wasteful spending and re-route finances back into your own community
3. Pool your resources economically as well as physically as represented by labor and collective effort
4. Eliminate internal criticism and personal attacks on and of fellow Moors as this is a violation of Act 3 of the Moorish Constitution and By-Laws. (This weakens and destroys progress and the collective infrastructure)
5. Concentrate on land purchases (in bulk) to develop institutes of education, housing, industrial facilities, security training facilities and medical centers
6. Continuously observe and study others business and structural operations to ensure success and the maintenance of relevant intelligence which helps to reduce failure and excuses
7. Emphasize education in various disciplines of industry, media, foreign relations, social service, politics and juris prudence
8. Further develop ideals and practices of security to ensure the safety and development of the women and children that generate Moorish posterity
9. Tirelessly support the economic plan(s) that engage the relevant needs of the Moorish Nation as a forward progressing national force
Just as other nationalities in the Americas develop collective economics amongst themselves to build value and substance within their community, so must the modern Moors utilize this same law of nature (regarding survival) to support and protect themselves. Otherwise, Moors will continue to be at the mercy of others. This concept is realized when Notorious B.I.G. states, "my life in that man's hands, while he just deciding."
Therefore, it is proposed that Moors act on their own behalf to eliminate psycho-economic slavery by riding themselves of the manufactured consumer's consciousness patterns of "guilt spending" and "status-by-brand" purchasing. These methods of financial control dictate that you, as consumers, buy and spend to express your love, support or importance to loved ones despite your economic condition. This is evidenced by the millions of parents that risk all of their savings and economic security to compete and/or appease their children and loved ones during the designated days of volume spending (Christmas, Valentines, etc). As a result, consumers, Moors included, purchase select brands that add social status. They also buy for the sake of buying with the fear that someone will fill left out or, in terms of parenting, less of a parent if they failed to follow the trend of "purchasing to please." These spending behaviors have now given birth to terms that further label Asiatics as undesirables or according to economic terms: Sub-prime borrowers. Since Asiatics have become financial liabilities, they will soon be taken out of the economic loop, in mass, as financial "best -practice" will state that any financial institution that continues business with sub-prime borrowers will lose financial backing. Businesses, conducting business with economic undesirables, would become a risk due to demonstrating poor economic security values thus the action of "black-balling" financial liabilities all together will become common practice thus setting the stage for the next phase of neo-economic slavery. Just as the current "Financial Matrix Meltdown" will force lenders and financial institutions to alienate Asiatics due to poor credit scores, late payments and foreclosures; Moors will have to develop plans to support those that fall victim to poor financial decision making skills. Financial statistics will be used to annihilate Asiatic's economic existence which then will again open gateways for the next phase of slavery. Thus Moors must learn to focus on finance and economics to remain competitive and relevant to the global market. As this paradigm shifts and the power holders change, Moors are going to have to put themselves in the position of power to embrace the claim of the next paradigm.
In essence, Moors and un-conscious Asiatics alike will experience a greater form of poverty, that will be inescapable if actions aren't taken immediately. Since Asiatics are the largest consumers of devalued goods and services, the attacks on the psyche and emotional body to consume and purchase for the sake of familial relationships, bonding and/or social status ,despite the fact that no sufficient wealth can be displayed, will without doubt create a prison state without bars or end of sentence. However, operating in a frame-of-mind that aids and supports collective economics and the development of a Moorish economic power system, that $900 billion of annual expenditure could easily be redirected toward large (Moorish) community development projects, socio-political campaigns for the eventual establishment of the Moorish nation and the financial status to barter and trade with others which lead to allied relationships. This ability to collectively display and express such principles of unity and proactive behavior would be an active display of self independence, self preservation and self reliance. How else could one term themselves sovereign?
For Moors to truly gain any type of economic justice, Moors must learn to own and control their own economic markets. It is no secret that Moors, conscious and unconscious alike, have endured all manners of humiliation, deprivation, denationalization, suffering and impairment under the regime and de-facto reign of the agents of oppression and their perpetuated ideologies. It also well understood, and documented, that the Oppressive agent's stronghold to power was solidified by treacherous acts of war and the exploitive extraction of Moorish wealth in the forms of resource materials, human effort and productive genius. This exploitation of Moorish wealth and resources, through the art of subjugation and subversive tactics, has continued to exponentially grow in the form of compound interest from the original principal of Moorish Wealth. As it is known, regarding injustice, it is the redistribution of gains earned and the disregard for prior injustices that, in effect, reward injustice. Although this is a topic unto itself, it must be understood that if Moors want justice as well as economic and social well-being, it is required that we control and own our communities and local and national markets. This means that Moors will have to learn how to produce and manufacture everything for and by themselves. Therefore the ownership and control of your own markets and communities places you outside of being mere workers and consumers within them. To do otherwise would be a blatant display of one handing over or giving away their commonwealth to others which, in essence, impoverishes them as well as denying future generations their god-given wealth of their ancestors (sounds familiar).
Where do we start? How do we begin?
One of the most important aspects to developing Moorish power is the deliberate focus on the human and financial resources that currently exist within the Moorish American community. There must be an analytical process that honestly evaluates the social strengths and weaknesses within our community. This analytical process must focus on our personal mistakes as a whole. It must force us to look at the "Whys" and the "Hows" of our lack of efficient organization, lack of coordinated development and application of skills that accomplish both the goals and aims that reflect the collective bottom-line expectations. In this process we must specifically look at ourselves as the culprits as this is the only path to self-mastery as a collective body (nation). The following questions have to be answered if we are to correct and improve upon our current state and condition:
1) Why is there familial instability and dysfunction?
2) Why is there inadequate housing?
3) What role have we played in the lack of educational and economic development within our community?
4) Why have we not seen more progress and stability amongst Moorish Americans?
5) What strategies have not worked that are currently being recycled as effective?
6) What is most needed to develop a long term successful exclusive Moorish community?
7) What can we do as a collective body to change our current condition?
In essence, many of the issues that plague Moorish Americans and are exhibited in our community reflect inadequate economic organization, discipline and the ability to adhere to strucure and chain-of-command which leads the development of new organization or movement. Simply put, this weakens the collective and thus the old saying "divide and conquer." Once the excitement of the new movement wears off, the commitment is lost. If these two areas became prime targets of reform (organization and discipline), impoverishment of human resources and communal deficiencies would be minimized to a high degree. Just as national debt and national deficits make a country vulnerable and prey to another, while also threatening its power and viability as a nation, and generates social and political conflict (s); Moors, must also recognize how the lack of structure and discipline, deficiencies and imbalances threatens its viability and ability to provide an inheritance to its posterity.
This will best be achieved by Moors beginning the processes of taking an inventory of the diverse skill sets and educational backgrounds, pooling finances and creating a "form" of "rotating credit association" system; however, with distinct differences in how finances are stored, saved and generated. The accumulation of material resources and networking opportunities further contribute toward the development of a cohesive Moorish unit that works together to finance and purchase land and industrial supplies that facilitate the community development process. The concept of "Community as Financier" will dissolve issues of credit, reduce high interest and minimize debt as the collective community work together to make financial decisions through a rational political process. Moors must also learn to create, maintain and serve their own ethno-cultural identity as evidenced by a business minded collective developing and supplying products and services that are unique to the Moorish community. This concept is seen and demonstrated within the Japanese, Chinese and so-called Hispanic communities. Despite their success, you will begun to see large conglomerates like Wal-Mart begin supplying items and foods that cater to specific ethno-cultural tastes and identities which capture the economic wealth that originally was supplied by that demographic. This is one of the many strategic moves to dissolve economic power within the ethno-cultural community of those that practice self reliance. Therefore strategies like this must be countered with smart economic power moves.
Like other ethnic groups that embark on enterprise and communal growth, they first rely on themselves as a source and foundation for growth. Once they achieve independent profitability, a percentage of the wealth is distributed and the next plan of action is decided upon for its growth and socio-political prosperity. This method ensures that the community and family are first taken care of, that the internal economic structure is nurtured and opportunities are created to advance the youth and less fortunate within the community. However, this type of socio-political and economic strategy could only work if there is loyal support and a strong ant-like work ethic that is realized and pursued for the outcome of the greater whole. Once the community is established and Moors are self independent, self reliant and self sufficient, then global ethnic enterprise is the next phase of development. Ethnic enterprise makes your community attractive to others as talks of trade and allied relationships are discussed.
These steps toward political, social and economic power are simple and effective if the current economic resources were to be redirected and funneled toward productive goals and spending habits that build collective wealth. This comprehensive approach would reduce dependent behavior and foster the development and esteem of a productive and genius people. If Asiatics, alone, spend $1.5-2.0 billion annually in the hair care products industry and $1.9 billion annually in the car rim industry, then we know the resources exist for the funding of something that "adds" value and substance.
It is a supreme disgrace for Asiatics, the financiers of the ancient world, to be reduced to accepting handouts and being considered beggars, government leeches and economic liabilities while also demonstrating the harms of conflict amongst and within their own family. Granted, everyone will not accept Moorish Science, Moorish aims and goals, our spiritual philosophies and the understanding of the importance of nationality and social status; but nevertheless, Moors, who have that commonality, must be willing to work within their communal structure as a unified family to bring into fruition the resurrection of the ancient ones buried in this shallow grave in the West. There are no excuses. Asiatics have always been provided a messenger that brings a message of social and spiritual reform. There is nothing new under the sun. The opportunity will not continue to present itself for the messengers to continue to be ignored, discredited and killed by their own. If Moors are truly prepared for change, desire self independence and are willing to work (together) to gain some level of control over their destiny and future, then accept the challenge, build this Moorish army that live by the principles of Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom and Justice, and demonstrate the genius of our ancestors that left the mighty blueprints for the development of advanced civilization and collective "Self Mastery."
Zothyrius Ali El